7. Claude Shannon

  1. American electrical engineer and mathematician. Father of information theory.

  2. When I saw a photograph of Claude Shannon I felt Claude Shannon. Claude Shannon is the first who used the word bit in 1948. Bit is short for binary digit. Shannon attributed the origin of the word bit to John W. Tukey although the word bitI could have been found in the writings of Vannevar Bush as early as 1936. Obsessed with ideas Claude only scribbled them and those scribbles would become pure theories. Shannon’s maxima is: *The enemy knows the system. I was touched by Shannon’s wondering: I was only wondering how things are connected.

  3. For you, Claude Shannon I watch harmony between your face and index finger of your left hand.

  4. with muscles
    of your right cheek
    you created
    mystical smile
    on your face

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