33. Virtual Pilgrimage

  1. Virtual pilgrimage is the lips of the walking.

  2. Every visit to the Internet is a pilgrimage. By pilgrimage love surrenders to the one that we are coming to. Life itself is pilgrimage to the life itself. To the swallows. To the grass. To the first of June. To the poppies… I hope that everyday pilgrimages to the life I will transfer into the virtual world as well as pilgrimage to the virtual world into the pilgrimage of spiritual life. Continuously from one into another. In one love.

    Virtual pilgrimage is the road from Affirmation to Creation.

  3. Virtual pilgrimage to the virtual world in the virtual world I pronounce the last even though it’s the first.

  4. I am the last
    virtual pilgrimage
    on the Internet
    which by it’s firstness
    bows to all
    in the

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